This is a strange thought... but has anybody wondered how to train a squirrel? For a long time now, when I walk around campus, and see the menagerie of squirrels frolicking around, I think to myself about the possibility of taming one... namely so that I can pet it.
Squirrel tails are so fluffy and soft looking, I imagine it would feel really nice to touch it. lol. (And I realize I sound like a complete creep aka Lennie in of mice and men), btw the idea of a squirrel falling asleep using it's tail as either blanket or a mattress is just way to adorable! If you were a furry animal, and you had to sleep out in the cold with tail like that, wouldn't you?? That thing would be like a down comforter. (Ok, I realize that was neither here or there, but just thought I'd throw it out there).
Anyhow, I was thinking if I could find one on squirrel, and consistently feed it nuts or dried berries or something, and allow it to get closer and closer to me, until it becomes used to humans, then maybe after a few trials it would let me pet it? 's tail? lol. What do you guys think? I really want to try sometime during my years here at Davis. Somewhere I heard that they might carry rabies, but I think it's only a very small percentage (if any)....