It's been SO long since I blogged that I just wanted to write something...It's almost 1:30, but I'm not tired at all... and no I didn't have any caffeine. I guess I'm just on a natural high lol....
I've been thinking about how much I need to get in shape and loose some extra pounds. Midnight snacking, snacking at all times of day, ginormous meals, and this sudden craving for oatmeal cookies, chocolate, and pie has added to said state of unfitness...
In a totally unrelated way, if I were a fish, I would totally want to live in this fish condo- what I imagine to be the rolls-royce of fish real estate...then again, if I were a fish, my brain probably would not be big enough to comprehend the awesomeness of my dwellings. Ah... fish...so yummy!...