I also got my first homework assignment of the quarter. Yea I know super nerdy. It's mostly on measure theory. I actually felt a small flash of excitement to see it, like I was now a real grad student because my homework just got that much harder.
The same challenges remain. But I feel like being positive will help me keep above it. Trying to avoid ruminating. Watching Eat Pray Love made me realize how much I'm like the Julia Roberts character. At one point she's supposed to be meditating at an ashram and all she can think about is the flies swirling around her, what she's going to do in the next year after she leaves India, and how she's going to get by and ... and how she's so jealous of the other woman in the room who looks like freakin' mother theresa because she's not having problems meditating. Then she gives up and clunks her head to the floor. This is me.
The Richard from Texas character in the movie tells Julia Robert's character "If you could clear you all that space in your mind, you would have a doorway. And you know what the universe would do? Rush in." :)