finding people like myself was the highlight of this week/month. it felt really good to talk to other aspies, even if it wasn't irl. reminded me a lot of junior high/high school just the stupid goofy sillyness, and certain groups i've hung out with in the past full of smart, eccentric types. a part of me identifies so much with them. uber nerds. i remember i used to get offended when people labeled themselves as a nerd based on getting good grades, or being an engineer. as if a profession or academic achievement would automatically make you a nerd. while there's not one definition, nerd has always had a more cultural/social definition for me. then again, everyone's def is different. my mom says nerd is just someone who is really good at something, or knows everything about one topic....
my operating definition is if you have done two or more of the following you are a nerd: know about or have participated in any kind of online or live action fantasy role playing game like D&D, WOW, or any other RPGs or MMORPGs, read or have read somethingawful, communicate or communicated with someone in l33t sp34k, and or attended one or more comic-con/anime-con/or star-trek cons.
i've certainly done some nerdy things in the past. but i have a lot of normal hobbies too. wherever i am on the spectrum, there will always be a soft place in my heart for nerds <3