Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ain't nothin' but a post it note

Today, as I found myself running to replenish my store of post-it notes only one day after I ran out, I paused to think about how much of my life is spent on post-it notes. How many days that literally begin and end on a post-it. Days when I have too many things to do, and not enough brain capacity to keep it all in. Days when I'm irritated and tired, but writing down everything I want to accomplish on a piece of paper, somehow magically makes the job easier.

And not just for grocery lists or school related work. But for bigger life goals too. I've grown accustomed to using post-it's for every area of my life. From daily to-do's to long term monthly or yearly goals. Is this anal?

The best part of the post it writing is the clarity it gives me. To look at something difficult and write it out in a series of linear steps. The other satisfying part is crossing off the things on the list one by one, until they're all complete at the end of day or whatever.

Whatever the reason why, without post-it's I would be a mess. I'm pretty sure this makes me neurotic in some way, but that's ok. I've learned to accept some things about myself :)

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